Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Phew-where did the months go?

So, I'm in the process (and believe me it's a hard process to stomach) of watching Clinton and Obama debate. I am having to force the vomit down every couple of minutes, but it's important to know the enemy and see what we may have to endure the next four years! So if this blog is a little chaotic, I apologize.

I was looking online (truth is, Stretch has Tucker helping him put in the car stereo, so I have time to actually blog and type) and realized that it's been a couple of months (again) since I have blogged. So, again, I apologize. The last few months have flown by, which is good and bad. We haven't yet moved to Oregon. As soon as the Jeep sells, we will be out of here. It's taken a little longer than we have hoped, but we know it's all God's timing.

Tucker and I have also come to terms. Yes, he is still two, but we are learning how to make this stage one of good memories. He helps me cook dinner almost every night. With it getting warmer, we are playing outside and hiking in the mountains. Last week we went hunting for lizards (he loves how fast they run!) We are getting ready to potty train once we get to Oregon, so we've gotten a new potty chair that he loves to sit on and have his toy doggie sit on.

Last week I got to see something truly awesome and fun. Vice President Cheney came to Grand Junction for a fundraiser. Of course, there were the idiots protesting, so to counter that, I made a sign saying we loved him and found a spot very close to the airport, so one of his first things seen in GJ was positive and not hateful. Seeing him drive down the street was so incredibly cool. There was a huge police motorcade and a long line of fellow Republicans following. It was like I was in a movie where the president (or vp) came rushing by. It was truly a very exciting moment of my life.

I know I said I wouldn't be political, but I have to say it because the debate is really burning me. I love how the Democrats like to blame the Republicans for everything. It really makes me sick when Clinton and Obama says stuff like "the Republicans should apologize for the Bush/Cheney administration by not running a candidate." Its like the Deomocrats don't like to look at the fact that the nation wasn't in a bad shape until the Democrats took power in Congress two years ago!!! If they'd stop passing idiotic laws and policies, we'd be in a lot better state than we are right now. Now, I don't agree with everything the Bush administration has done, but the nation would be in a worse state if Kerry would've won.

So, below are some new pictures...hope you enjoy!!! Love you all!

Tucker in his KC duds!

Tucker's Easter present---duckling (he couldn't keep it, unfortunatly)

Tucker looking for Easter candy

Traveling to Iowa--he's a great traveler!!!