Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Bad, Bad Girl

I've been a bad girl! So, I decided to start this blog after my good friend Kylene said I should. I entered two postings then totally forgot to continue entering. After receiving an email from Kylene and looking over her awesome blog, I realized that I need to step up and do this thing! So thank you Kylene, and here goes nothing.

Stretch and I are so excited for the trip and it is coming up really fast. In November, we felt like God was calling us not only to just travel and have fun, but to minister and help others along the way. We haven't really figured out what type of service we will end up doing or where He wants us, but we have faith that He will be leading our travels until He tells us to stop.

Our trip is starting in Tok, Alaska. This is a little town of somewhere around 1500 people (our current church is about 3 times that size!) Tok is the first town that travelers driving to Alaska get to after leaving Canada and is at the junction that goes to both Anchorage and Fairbanks. We will be working at a gift shop, doiong gift shop stuff (not entirely sure on the details). We've decided to leave on April 9th or 16th and take all the time we want to get up there.

Right now we are in the process of fixing our house to sell it. It's proven to be a little bigger project than we first expected, but we are throwing ourselves into it. Our renters will be moving out next week and that will help us out a bunch.

We are also preaching in our church's 3rd-5th grade class called The Dive. On the average, there is about 300 children a week coming to the services. It's been a lot of fun and really educational. You definitely learn more about the Bible when you have to describe the stories to children. My faith has grown just by diving into the stories and dissecting them to find God's truth. We're going to be calling the few churches in Tok soon to see where we can serve while we are there.

Well, that brings us up-to-date, and, Kylene, I promise I will keep on it! Below are some pictures of my family. Enjoy and see you the next time. God Bless!!!

1 comment:

E and K said...

Yay!! I love that you have a blog and I love that I even get to be mentioned : ) I'm glad that I've inspired you. I can't wait to keep up with all of your adventures!
