Monday, March 19, 2007

Heat Wave

Spring is definitely blooming in Grand Junction, CO. Yesterday it was so hot we took the sides off the Jeep and let the wind blow freely through our hair. Tucker loved the wind. He's in his new big boy carseat, so it was a whole new world for him to view. He'd just scream and shake his head excitedly back and forth. Now as my fingers were typing away, I heard the weather report on the tv say that it's supposed to get cold and rainy this week! That's GJ weather for you! Get you all excited for shorts and tank tops then hit you with a cold front. Speaking of cold fronts, I checked what the weather was doing in Tok, AK this morning and it is currently a whopping -27. Ouch! Stretch is assuring me that the summer will be in the 70's though, and I'm hoping he's right! I really am tired of my sweaters!

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