Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Holy Cow!

Wow...God takes such good care of us! He took a day that was weighing heavy on my heart and turned it into a day of blessing. We just got back from our party with our small group and it was amazing. Our 'family' really knows how to take care of us. It is a completely mind-blowing, life-altering experience to have several very godly people huddle around you and pray to God for you. I've gained a whole new perspective on our influence in others lives, just from the powerful prayers that were said over us. With God leading our path and our 'family' praying behind us, we can do more than move mountains - we're on our way to move nations! We love everyone of our family at Fellowship with all our hearts and hope you know that you will always be in our prayers. So, as Sheila would say, see you later!!!

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