Monday, March 12, 2007

Snowmobile Trip

So the first weekend in March we were finally able to give my parents their Christmas present--a weekend with me and Stretch in the mountains at a lodge and snowmobiling. Now normally I really distaste snowmobiling. I've never really felt comfortable or confident at controlling the beastly things. And since my run in with a tree (the tree jumped out in front of me and I fit it head on. Many bruises and very broken machine equals not very much fun!) a couple of years ago, I really have gone on the one token ride a year and left it at that. This weekend was a lot different though. Instead of 99% agony and 1% fun, it was only 1% agony and 99% fun. I totally believe that it was because I had God with me this time. Now this may sound crazy, but whenever I would get nervous and feel like I wanted to throw up or my body got tired, I would just pray or think of verses about strength or fear and I would feel 100% better. I handled the machine better than I ever have, and I was able to play and attempt some little tricks. Now don't get me wrong, I still got stuck, a lot, but even that was fun (for the most part). I have included some pictures for your enjoyment. There's a good 7-8 feet of snow there!

The first two pictures are Stretch and I at the overlook. I know I look sexy in my outfit, but if you can look past me you can see the gorgeous view.

This is one of my many sticks. Not too bad!

The next two are my mother. You'll notice the tree jumped in front of her, too!

The next two are Stretch. Yes, even the master gets stuck every now and then!

This last one was a fun one. My mom was following Stretch (which isn't always the best idea) and got into a sticky situation. Her machine rolled over into a tree on the side of a hill. Luckily she was wearing her helmet! The guys had to climb up the hill in the snow, dig the whole machine out, then lift and move it to point it down the hill. Good going, mamacita!

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